The Teaching of Little Crow
“…this story could seduce
the most cynical reader.
It is sexy, shamanic,
original, and captivating!"
Thomas Red Tree -
Magical Blend Magazine

“…this story could seduce
the most cynical reader.
It is sexy, shamanic,
original, and captivating!"
Thomas Red Tree -
Magical Blend Magazine
There are few mortals, including those involved in meaningful relationships, who have not dreamed of or longed for the Divine Love of their soul’s true mate. This sacred duo has been referred to by many names: Twin Flames, Soul Mates, Twin Souls, Divine Lovers, and so on. The yearning is actually genetically encoded within the DNA to ensure conscious reunion when both halves have reached a specific level of soul evolvement.
The Teaching of Little Crow is the compelling story of twin flames and the spiritual requirements each must meet in order to rise to Love's True Standard. It has been hailed as some of the best spiritual "edu-tainment" to come along in years.
Woven within this romantic tale are Ascended Master teachings about Twin Flames as well as instruction and insight into:
An inspiring story that both satisfies the hungry heart and enlightens the hungry soul!
Publisher: Heart Flame Publishing
Publication Date: 2001/2005
ISBN: 0-9726618-0-8
Download Chapter 1 in PDF Format- click here