Using The Violet Flame

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One of the major obstacles people experience to connecting with their Twin Flame are the energy forms still held within their four lower bodies from past or present life experiences in which they came to believe that love hurts or that it cannot be trusted. These energetic forms continually pulse a magnetic attraction for more of the same and impede the free-flow of Divine Love. By dissolving and consuming these energetic forms that are so thickly wound around the four lower bodies and replacing them with Divine Love, a new magnetic resonance is created that will draw what your heart truly desires.
The use of this powerful fifth dimensional Divine energetic Law of Transmutation is one of the most important tools you can use - not only for opening a pathway to the Twin Flame reunion- but for clearing all energetic miscreations from every lifetime!
Track Selections
Track 1: About The Violet Consuming Flame
Track 2: Meditation: Using the Violet Consuming Flame to Dissolve Energetic Impediments to Love.
Warning: Do not perform exercises whilst driving or operating machinery!
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