Twin Flames; The Real Deal
A Twin Flame workshop without the travel or the cost!
Imagine yourself in small intimate coffee shop, when you overhear the conversation of a lifetime. Hardly believing what you're hearing, you listen as the group at the next table speak about love in a way you've never imagined. Their voices low, you strain to catch the names of the researcher's and scientist's work that define the miracle of love's energy. As they share their incredible true stories of the "twin flame creation matrix" your nerves tingle and hairs stand up, confirming that you've touched something critical that will change your path forever.
CD 1 Part I
Part I of our four part series addresses the intense longing each soul feels as it hungers to consciously join with its Twin Flame. Distorted through ego's lens, even highly enlightened beings have incorrectly translated this feeling as "incompleteness." Many have prepared for lifetimes to assist the upcoming shift through the co-creative power of the Twin Flame Heart Womb, and it's critical to bring awareness to the Divine understanding of this holy union. We'll help you perceive the navigational tool of "longing" in a new way, and provide a higher perspective of Twin Flames and the limitless co-creative powers their union wields.
- Why we have an overwhelming longing to join our Twin Flame Now
- Immaculate Concept
- The Purpose for Uniting Consciously
- Why Some Join physically and then Split - the Great Cosmic Safety Net
- Common Denominators in Twin Flame Experiences
CD 2 Part II
Twin Flames are the holographic replication of God. Let us help you understand what the ramifications, responsibilities and privileges of union are. This is the Twin Flame dispensation, and you now have the privilege of embodying the resonance of your true identity. Many of us are joining with the full essence of our Twin in different dimensions to offer a sacred service to humanity as it prepares for a quantum leap in consciousness. All that remains is getting past the little mind's perception. So join us as we awaken the ancient memory held in the heart about the co-creative power of the Twin Flame Heart Womb.
- Holographic Replication of Source
- How to Vibrationally Connect with Your Twin Flame
- The Twin Flame Heart Womb Field & Atomic Creation
- How Consciousness Affects the Field & the Field Affects Consciousness
- The Law of the Circle
- Direct Reception of the Light
CD 3 Part III
Imagine the greatest passion you've ever experienced and multiply it a thousand fold. Imagine yourself so overflowing with an orgasmic explosion of love that you simply cannot contain it and it must flow out of you to bless everything that your attention rests upon every NOW moment. Imagine every interaction with All That Is God as this type of orgasmic expression of love and peace that bathes everything in its true identity. Since all energy moves in a circle, gathering more of its kind, then returns to the creator magnified, imagine what that would feel like? Want to give it a go?
- The Creation of Love & Matter - is it possible?
- Connecting to the Ongoing Moment of Creation
- Atomic Holographic Replication of Love: The Immaculate Concept
- Does Lovemaking Require a Physical Partner?
- Passion & The Twin Flame Double Helix
- Creating within the Twin Flame Heart Womb
- Experiential Exercise
Applied Creation From Within the Heart Womb
CD 4 Part IV
How do the Creation Fields work and how do they affect other fields within the whole. Discover the potential of your Twin Flame Heart Womb. This magnificent Creation Matrix has the ability to restore all life upon this planet to its true identity-and you're the ones who've come to claim your full sovereignty as God creators. Yes, indeed, Love has come to reclaim itself.
- Heart Womb Creation & Emanation of Love Through Scalar Waves
- Tangible Evidence of Heart Womb Creation Fields
- Critical Mass - How the Few can Transmute the Whole
- The New Mind - The Heart Field
- Why the New Children, (Indigos, Crystals etc.) are "off-line" - what can we do about it
- Living in Simultaneous States (first stage of enlightenment)
- Freedom/ Emancipation from Duality Consciousness
About the Hosts
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Angelina Heart ~ author of the award-winning novel The Teaching of Little Crow, the journey of the soul (a twin flame primer in fictional format - great edu-tainment!)
At this critical juncture in humanity's evolvement, many are being called to the conscious Twin Flame union for purposes of loving this world free from the illusion of duality. Author, speaker and teacher, Angelina Heart, assists those drawn to the Twin Flame vibration to awaken and reignite the memory of at-one-ment with both All That Is and their Divine Complement. Her ongoing offerings continue to provide both the education and tools necessary to access the limitless co-creative capabilities of the Twin Flame Heart Womb.
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Marisa Morin ~ renowned intuitive, researcher, and non-verbal communicator with wild mammals of the land and sea. Through her unique work with medical institutions and research teams, Marisa has brought great wisdom and understanding to the Twin Flame concept both in relationships and in science.
Together, Angelina and Marisa have forged new frontiers by combining their insights and sharing them with audiences keen on exploring the Twin Flame phenomenon. Their CD, Living the Divine Heart (available here) not only delivers a succinct education about Twin Flames, it also provides proven exercises they have used to connect with their own Twin Flames to create and use the Twin Flame Heart Womb.
Through lively conversation, music, and experiential exercises, Angelina and Marisa will expand the boundaries of your current knowledge base about Twin Flames and shift your view from the limited human concept to the larger divine picture. As this is an educational series, we suggest you listen to them in order.